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Yoga for Kids

Why is it that Yoga for kids is becoming even more popular today than it was in days of yesterday, well children are just as much prone to suffer from stress just like adults do? How can this be a great many would ask? Kiddie's pressure comes from additional education requirements (like more homework) We all know the importance of furthering our childs education to give them a better chance in life but when it can destroy life then it is time to take action.    

Yoga for kids is a priceless gift to give to a child where they lay claim to peace of mind. The pressure put upon our kids today can be brought on by other factors like being bullied. Children also suffer at the hands of their parents while watching them worry over debt or whatever comes with surviving in the 21st century.  How can we help the mind of a tormented child, by simply introducing them to Yoga?    

Yoga for kids helps them become aware of the body and start to understand how vital it is to keep in good shape. Even at an early age kids need to develop better body awareness and after doing this they take control all by themselves to lead an active healthy life. Children who practice yoga self-educate themselves on self-control flexibility and coordination.     

Exercises for children have proven in some cases to assist in slowing down Hyperactive behaviors.   Yoga has helped kids by channeling their impulses in a positive way. Yoga moves for minors differ just like that the way adults practice. A couple of poses for children that work perfectly well are the Warrior pose and the Tree poses. Both are exercises that help the child to find calm, and build up confidence and balance.    

Some children take to yoga like the water of a duck's back whereas others have to be coaxed and need assurance and the benefits pointed out to them.  The secret behind getting a dubious child to enroll in a yoga class is to explain how it is a popular craze among other children. Point out how much fun it can be. Explain in fine detail the Warrior posture moves in your quest to encourage the child. Ease their discomfort if afraid to practice yoga alone. Let them know they can team up with a partner, this will also help build up their team skills, therefore, gaining a bonding with others.     

There will be times when the children will find it difficult to focus and concentrate but is that not the case with all children whether practicing yoga or not. Children and relaxation are not very compatible. Just to have a child close their eyes for a period of time will be a task in itself. Ask the child to visualize something that he/she is interested in or enjoys doing.    

Try them with the belly breathing yoga exercise while listening to soothing relaxation music. Ask them to imagine they are up in space floating or making sand castles on the beach.  After the session is over invite the child to share their experience of how they felt while practicing the Yoga for Kids routine.     

If they divulge their secret thoughts then this can only mean that the child has opened up and what a major breakthrough that is. To have your child share a secret is enough to say they want to be heard.     

Those silent thoughts that once troubled your little boy/girl will give you as a caring parent the insight on how to deal with what was once a tormented silent mind.    

Yoga for kids is the healthiest wealthiest form of knowledge for any child.