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Yoga and Obesity solution

As per one report, nearly 14 percent of British youngsters are clinically obese. The cost of Obesity to the NHS is about £ 1 billion a year. By 2010 the number of overweight and obese youngsters in the European Union nations is expected to hit 26 million. An estimated 20,000 obese youngsters will have type 2 diabetes as per another report.

Obesity put a strain on the heart, respiratory, and eliminatory systems. It also increases the chances of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Generally, it is seen that obese people are also lower in vitality. 

Obesity occurs in mostly two types of people. In stressful people who eat very fast and in excess and secondly in household people who eat from boredom. As people put on weight they tend to become less happy because of their appearance and become more frustrated. 

Some people think by taking insufficient food can help in reducing weight. But when they start dieting, the body starts to slow down in order to conserve energy and boost its chances of survival. This is why weight loss tends to slow down as we continue to diet. So in a way, dieting is not a good method for reducing weight.

The most common cause of obesity is overeating and less physical movement. Overeating problem is coupled with poor diet and also wrong timing of eating said Subodh Gupta, a Yoga expert from India. In fact, to fight growing obesity among children, some of the schools in the UK are planning to introduce yoga to thousands of young students. This is an excellent step in the direction of fighting the obesity problem in the UK.

Yoga practice provides an excellent means for maintaining a balanced weight and overcoming obesity problems, provided a daily yoga program is followed with a regular routine according to Subodh Gupta Yoga expert based in London.

Gentle yoga asanas (postures) followed by Sun salutation exercises are very good for removing blockages and librating pranic energy in our body and are helpful in revitalizing the body and mind. One should do yoga exercises to their comfort level but never strain oneself. Yoga asana (postures) helps in building up strength and vitality slowly but surely. 

Yoga Exercise does not have to be intense or vigorous, but it must be regular and should amount to at least 30 minutes a day. Along with Yoga exercise, a healthy diet at the proper time and the practice of relaxation technique is very helpful for overcoming obesity and maintaining a balanced weight.