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One of the most popular home workout solutions has to be the Bowflex. With these machines you can do anything from 50 to 90 different exercises, targeting all the main muscle groups. There is quite an extensive range available and some of the highly sought models are the Bowflex elite and the Bowflex power pro.

So what is all the fuss about?, I hear you thinking...why should I go for Bowflex - power pro or elite? well, firstly the elite and power pro are the more popular Bowflex machines because of their pricing. The elite and power pro are mid-low-mid in Bowflex range of home gym equipment. So as well as getting a good price, you get all of their advanced technology in the model you choose.

Bowflexs reputation is renowned and its secret is in the patented power rods that are featured on bowlers' models. These rods give you resistance, or weight in simpler terms, that fell as good as free weights but without the danger and common joint pain associated with free weights. 

These rods are so strong and resilient that bowlers' policy is that if you can wear them out they will replace them for free! Now that confidence in your product.

The elite comes with 310 lbs of resistance and can be upgraded to 410 lbs. The elite model in bowflex range will allow for some resistance to your small assistor and stabilizer muscles that a normal home gym will not. 

The elite is well designed as are all of Bowflex's range and to change from one exercise to another is fairly easy. The elite model is safe, you can perform a lot of different exercises, it allows for a good range of motion, and does not take up a lot of space.

The power pro is a little more expensive but not that much different from the elite, a few more exercise options and accessories but that is about it. The power pro is probably the most popular form bowflexs range and if you browse through the links I have provided below, I am sure you will find what you are looking for.