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Having a flat stomach is a goal for many people who are interested in improving their fitness and overall health. While achieving a flat stomach requires a combination of healthy eating habits and regular exercise, there are many free resources available online that can help you get started with the exercise component. Here are some places to find free exercises to flatten your stomach:

  • YouTube: YouTube is a great resource for free fitness videos, including exercises that target the abs and core. Many fitness trainers and influencers offer free workout routines and tutorials on YouTube, making it easy to find exercises that suit your needs and fitness level. Some popular channels for stomach-flattening exercises include Fitness Blender, Blogilates, and POPSUGAR Fitness.

  • Fitness Apps: There are many free fitness apps available for download that offer a variety of workouts, including those that focus on the abs and core. Some popular apps include Nike Training Club, Sworkit, and MyFitnessPal. These apps often offer customized workout plans and tutorials, making it easy to find exercises that target your specific goals.

  • Fitness Websites: Many fitness websites offer free workout routines and tutorials, including those that target the abs and core. Some popular fitness websites that offer free workouts include,, and These websites often have a variety of workouts to choose from, including those that require no equipment and can be done at home.

  • Social Media: Many fitness influencers and trainers use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to share free workout routines and tutorials. You can follow these accounts to get access to a variety of stomach-flattening exercises that you can do at home. Some popular fitness influencers to follow on social media include Kayla Itsines, Cassey Ho (Blogilates), and KaisaFit.

  • Online Communities: There are many online communities dedicated to fitness and health, where members share workout routines and tips. Reddit has several subreddits dedicated to fitness, including r/fitness and r/bodyweightfitness, where users share workouts and offer advice to each other. Facebook groups can also be a good resource for finding workout routines and getting support from other members.

When looking for free exercises to flatten your stomach, it's important to keep in mind that consistency is key. You won't see results overnight, but if you stick with a regular exercise routine that includes stomach-flattening exercises, you will eventually see progress. It's also important to combine exercise with healthy eating habits to achieve the best results.

Some popular exercises that can help flatten your stomach include planks, crunches, and bicycle crunches. Planks involve holding a push-up position for an extended period of time, engaging your core muscles. Crunches involve lying on your back and lifting your shoulders off the ground, engaging your abdominal muscles. Bicycle crunches involve lying on your back and bringing your opposite elbow to your opposite knee, engaging your oblique muscles.

In addition to these exercises, there are many other stomach-flattening exercises that you can incorporate into your routine. It's important to mix up your exercises to avoid boredom and to target all of the muscles in your core. If you're new to exercise, it's a good idea to start with a few simple exercises and gradually build up your routine as you become more comfortable.

In conclusion, there are many free resources available online for finding exercises to flatten your stomach. Whether you prefer videos, apps, websites, or social media, there are plenty of options to choose from. By incorporating stomach-flattening exercises into your regular exercise routine and combining them with healthy eating habits, you can work towards achieving a flat stomach and improving your overall health and fitness.