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If you're new to the world of machine exercises, it can be intimidating to know where to start. But don't worry, there are plenty of beginner-friendly exercises that you can do with or without gym equipment. Here are some machine exercises that suit beginners:

Leg press

The leg press machine is a great way to strengthen your leg muscles, especially if you're new to weightlifting. Sit in the machine with your back flat against the seat and your feet on the platform. Push the platform away from your body with your legs until your knees are straight, and then slowly lower the platform back down.

Lat pulldown

The lat pulldown machine is great for targeting your upper back muscles. Sit in the machine with your feet flat on the ground and your hands gripping the bar. Pull the bar down towards your chest, and then slowly release it back up.

Chest press

The chest press machine is a great way to work your chest muscles. Sit in the machine with your back against the seat and your feet flat on the ground. Grab the handles and push them away from your body until your arms are straight, and then slowly release them back in.

Seated row

The seated row machine is a great way to target your back muscles. Sit in the machine with your feet flat on the ground and your arms extended towards the machine's handles. Pull the handles towards your body, squeezing your shoulder blades together, and then slowly release them back out.

Cable curls

Cable curls are a great way to work your biceps. Stand in front of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended towards the cable. Grab the handle and curl your arm up towards your shoulder, and then slowly release it back down.

Tricep pushdown

The tricep pushdown machine is a great way to work your triceps. Stand in front of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended towards the cable. Grab the handle with an overhand grip and push it down towards your thighs, and then slowly release it back up.

Leg extensions

Leg extensions are a great way to target your quadriceps muscles. Sit in the machine with your back against the seat and your feet under the pad. Extend your legs out in front of you until they're straight, and then slowly release them back down.

Leg curls

Leg curls are a great way to work your hamstring muscles. Lie face down on the machine with your knees just off the end of the seat and your ankles hooked under the pad. Curl your heels up towards your glutes, and then slowly release them back down.

Abdominal crunch

The abdominal crunch machine is a great way to target your abs. Sit in the machine with your feet hooked under the pads and your hands behind your head. Crunch your upper body forward, and then slowly release it back down.

Back extension

The back extension machine is a great way to work your lower back muscles. Lie face down on the machine with your feet hooked under the pad and your hands crossed over your chest. Lift your upper body up towards the ceiling, and then slowly release it back down.

These are just a few examples of beginner-friendly machine exercises that you can try out. Remember to start with light weights and focus on your form to prevent injury. As you become more comfortable with these exercises, you can gradually increase the weight or try more challenging variations. Good luck!