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Do you want a lovely, cute, and good-looking face? Are you tired of yourself and your face because of those shadows and wrinkles? Do you want that your face should be unforgotten by others? Definitely, your answer to the entire above question would be in the affirmative.  

Since impression counts and your face is the biggest asset you have, which people notice first and hence you will definitely like to give your face an attractive and elegant look.  But how is it possible, by applying those cosmetics or by opting for plastic surgery or else?

Giving your face the desired look is very simple and it involves no cost. It’s free. Only you need to add an extra task to your daily routine and that too for only 15 to 20 minutes and the task is a very simple exercise i.e. ‘Facial Exercise’. Yes, facial exercise can remove those facial wrinkles, and makes your face skin smooth, beautiful, and elegant. It makes your face young and smart. So start doing it NOW!

Now the big question is what the facial exercise does??

Facial exercise protects facial muscles from slacking. Even if you are very good-looking and young, as time passes your facial muscles will become loose, slack, and creepy. So if you are young and smart and beautiful, doing facial exercises will prevent you from the slackness of facial muscles when you grow old and if you are an old aged person then this will minimize the plasticity of your facial muscles. Facial exercise will make your face skin wrinkle-free and shiny. This will tone your facial skin and give you a youthful look. At the same time after performing the exercise, you will feel calm and relaxed.

How to do facial exercises?

Getting a punch from a famous boxer in the locality, the idea is not bad but the tough task is how heavy you need the punch, and the champion may charge you for that. However, facial exercise is completely free and you can do it on your own. Only you need to do different exercises for different parts of your face like the ear, nose, head, etc.

If you are a beginner do face exercise daily for at least 20 minutes for different parts of your face? However, after doing so for one month you can opt for thrice a week. Some spots of very minor type may start looking in your face, but this is normal and will disappear automatically within time.

How to do eye exercises?

1. Tone the eye muscles. To do this, apply pressure to your forehead from the two sides of your temple with your fingers. Though do it very gently.

2. Do close your eyes and sit upright. While closing your eyes, look first down and then up as far as you can see. Repeat this activity 10 times.

3. Do close your eyes and sit upright. Now lift your eyebrows and stretch the eyelids down and up to the possible extent. Repeat this activity 5 times.

4. With open eyes, sit upright and be relaxed. Start closing your top eyelids, and lift your eyebrows until your eyelids are half closed. Now, open your eyelids, until you start seeing your iris.

5.Sit upright with your eyes open and look straight, then look down. Keep your head static. Repeat the activity 10 times.

Forehead Exercise

1. Frown as much as you can and try bringing your eyebrows over your eyes. In the process pull the eyebrows towards one another. Now lift your eyebrows as far as you can while opening your eyes.

2. Lie on the bed and keep seeing the ceiling. Lift your eyebrows upward with your eyes open. Relax and repeat the activity about 10 times.

3.Sit upright, seeing straight, start bringing your eyebrows down, wrinkle your nose as much as possible, and flare your nostrils. Count up to 10. Relax and repeat the activity 5 times.