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Human life is a priceless gift from God. The Lord does not have a greater gift than this to give his beloved creatures. Its specialties and potentials are so extraordinary that its results can only amaze us. This gift has been given to us to fulfill divine goals.  But it is our ill fate that we have forgotten our divine nature, God’s gift, and the goal/ importance of human life. 

Neither do we know our divine potential, nor the Lord’s goal, wisdom or meditation. We are straying far away in this dark, gloomy world.  This forgetfulness is strange.  People generally forget objects and also what they have read, heard, etc. 

A person whom we had known in the past is now a stranger to us since we have forgotten him. But it is rare to find a person who forgets himself.  We think ourselves to be a body with name and form. We desire what our mind desires, we look upon the body’s needs as our own needs. 

The body and mind are the 2 wheels of the chariot of our life. But we have totally forgotten that we are the soul and not the body.  No doubt we hear time and again that the body is different from the soul.  But it is very rare that someone actually experiences this fact. And even if we experience it, it is in a very hazy manner.  

If we understand true reality and the difference between the life force and peripherals that manifests in our consciousness, we will give prime importance to soul well-being.  

We would give only that much importance to material objects as is required.  Today we are walking with feet devoid of shoes and decorate our cars with frills of gold. 

We are dying of hunger and give clarified butter to vehicles. “We” means the soul and vehicle mean body or mind.  The Lord is serving his servants. It is indeed strange that he has forgotten his responsibility.


The goal of life is to attain self-fulfillment. This self-fulfilled state can only be at the level of divinity. In order to attain God, the mind should get concentrated on him.  Before constructing important buildings, their maps, plans, and models are designed.  

An engineer, architect, etc. will build buildings based on these models.  An image of God with his qualities, activities, and nature is carried out for the purpose of meditation. As a result one experiences nearness, oneness, and a sense of merging with God.  This is the true nature of meditation.

The goal of true meditation is to regain our lost memory regarding our real nature.  If someone happens to regain it, it is definitely akin to a man coming out of a very scary dream. It is only then that one experiences a condition akin to a child being lost in a massive crowd or like that of a man who has lost the memory of his identity.  

Those undergoing such anguish, experience a great loss and they hurt their near and dear ones. Since we have lost our memory (that we are the mighty soul and not the body), our condition is as demeaning as a baby lion being brought up in a family of goats.  As a result, we are giving pain to our true nature, which is divinity.

The goal of Yoga or meditation is to overcome the loss of memory i.e. to awaken to the fact that we are the soul and not the body. In that one remembers God and one experiences one’s soul nature.  

The memory of the union of a living being (Jiva) and God (Brahman) is re-activated and one experiences, that this very Divine Power contact was broken by us, is in reality our Divine Mother and Benefactor.  

Not only this but like the proverbial wish-fulfilling cow (Kamadhenu), it is so powerful that by drinking its nectarine milk, we attain divinity. By sitting in the shade of a wish-fulfilling tree (Kalpavriksha) one can attain anything. After contacting, coming close to that Divine Centre, one does not lack anything and thus we can overcome all types of poverty.  Thus Yoga of Meditation helps us attain this goal.


It is not something great to attain Divine Powers. It should be protected from any type of waste and should never be misused. The benefits of attaining Divine Powers are encountered when they are gathered in a safe place and when they are utilized only for sacred tasks.

As a result of heat, a lot of water in the oceans gets converted to steam.  So much steams rises into the atmosphere from cooking gas, fire, etc. All this goes to waste.  But in an engine, a little bit of water is converted to steam. 

This steam is not allowed to stray into the atmosphere and is in fact collected in a tank. Later its energy flow passes out of a small hole and reaches the piston. 

As a result of this small process, the engine of a train starts functioning. Not only does it move but it runs at a great speed. Its movement is so powerful that it tugs along with it many other compartments at a high speed.

If tons of gunpowder is spread out on the ground and lit with a match stick, it will show a little light for a flash of a moment and then get burnt to ashes.  

This is a total waste and is of no use to us. But if it is enclosed in a small area of a gun and by pressing the trigger a little, sparks of fire touch the gunpowder, this infinitesimal gunpowder gives amazing results. The bullet runs at a mammoth speed to its target.  

Wherever it lands, it topples that object. One can thus clearly note the difference between just lighting up tons of gunpowder with a matchstick and on the other hand, lighting up a minute amount of gunpowder in a gun.

The rays of sunlight are scattered all over the earth.  Daily the sun rises and then sets in the evening.  This sunlight can give only a little heat and light to us. But if a few sunrays are concentrated on paper using a special lens, the paper starts burning. If it is thrown into a huge jungle, a forest fire ensues which destroys that entire area to ashes.

During Draupadi’s Swayamvar (choosing you to own a groom), the condition for getting married to her was that the prospective bridegroom should pierce the eye of a bird placed at a distance with an arrow. Dronacharya was helping his students to master this art. Before his students aimed an arrow, Dronacharya would ask them what they were seeing.  

On average, the students would say that are seeing a bird on the tree. As a result, Dronacharya would declare that such students would never succeed.  When it was Arjun’s turn, he answered that I can only see the bird’s eye and nothing else. 

Thus Dronacharya declared that Arjun would definitely succeed.  Truly at the Swayamvara ceremony of Draupadi, Arjun pierced the eye of the bird with one single arrow and thus got married to Draupadi.

It is said that a flying creature called a buzzing bee catches hold of a caterpillar and continues to buzz in front of it. As a result of continuously hearing the buzz of the bee and visualizing the bee’s form, the mental state of the caterpillar becomes that of a bee.  

The caterpillar starts thinking of itself to be a buzzing bee.  As a result, the body of the caterpillar takes the shape of a buzzing bee instead of a grown-up butterfly.  

Zoologists may doubt this but it is a definite fact that whenever man concentrates/ focuses his mind on a particular name and form, his mind too takes up the name, form and characteristics of that object. As a result of focusing her mind on beauty and youth, a prostitute regains her beauty to a great extent at an advanced age too.  

On the other hand, many young men and women look aged because their minds are all the time thinking of hardships and dire circumstances. All this is a result of focusing one’s mind on a particularly good/ bad thought.  This could be intentional or unintentional.

Spiritual concentration means to stop the mind from straying away from its center and after focusing one’s Divine Powers at one central focal point, one should utilize the same for sacred endeavors only.  This is called control of mind or focusing on the psyche in spiritual texts. A lot of discussion takes place regarding the Yoga of Meditation.  

It should be surmised as an art of concentrating one’s mind.  When we hear about it, its success seems mediocre but in reality, it is a great achievement.  When one master this art, a man by focusing his scattered conscious energy in one place, utilizes it for some sacred purpose and thus attains amazing success.

Water is filled in dams. But when it is ejected from a small opening, a stream of it flows at breakneck speed because of water pressure generated by the dam. This flow has extraordinary energy. Its influence aids the movement of the wheels of many machines and as a result, these machines start moving.  

The construction of huge electric powerhouses takes place near gigantic dams.  It is very expensive to generate electricity using engines and machines but hydroelectricity is cheaply operated near dams.  Near smaller waterfalls, you have water mills.  The resultant energy is not due to the stream of water but is due to its concentration. By focusing a widespread area in a smaller area, you generate power.

The aim of Yoga of Meditation is to concentrate mental thought scattering in one small area of thought.  The more an individual succeeds in concentrating his mind, the more his psyche will radiate with power.  

Like an arrow of words, it is easy for him to attain his goal.  If spirituality is his aim, he will advance spiritually and his psyche will radiate with Ridhi-Sidhi or what is called Divine Powers.  If the aim is material progress, we will attain this goal too.  In whichever appropriate direction this energy is used, it will reap good dividends.

Concentration/ focusing means overcoming the wasteful scattering of the thought waves of our minds.  By obstructing the water flow of a small stream, a dam is created and thus a small pond or lake is created.  Then artificial streams are created from this lake which gives water to far-off arid regions.  

If this stream were not converted into a dam, it would have lashed at the shores and caused wasteful flooding in surrounding regions.  This would lead to material destruction in that region. One should not look upon the thought flow in our mind as less important when compared to a hydroelectricity generator. 

The power of an electricity powerhouse is limited and can transmit electricity to a very limited region in its vicinity.  But this cannot be said about the mind.  

Its potential today can be augmented infinite fold in the future.  Its area of influence which is today limited to family and friends will in the future encompass the entire world.

Generally people of great authority like scientists, philosophers, artists, scholars, sculptors, authors, managers, leaders etc are like ordinary laymen. Their body is very ordinary and their minds lack a magical wand. 

Whatever difference one perceives in them alongwith the miracle of their greatness, is a result of their inner special qualities which in turn are related to the focusing capacity of their mind and their steadfastness in reaching the desired goal. Everybody possesses an infinite amount of intellectual energy.  To the extent that weak-brained individuals too have a lot of radiance.  

The difference only is that some have activated this radiance and the rest have not done so.  Even a very wise person is like a dead corpse when he is in deep sleep.  But on waking up, he manifests his intellectual brilliance.  

This holds true for the brain too.  Due to certain circumstances, the intellectual powers of some people remain latent and thus look weak intellectually. But if their intellect is activated with effort, not only will they be as brilliant as otherwise people but sometimes they will march ahead of them too.

Everyone knows that many threads unite together to form a strong rope and many broomsticks join together to form a broom.  Many drops of water constitute a jug of water.  

This example is given to accept the fact that by obstructing the wayward scattering of the intellect, one can focus/ concentrate one’s thought waves at a focal point.  

One can easily understand that the wayward scattering of thoughts in various directions diminishes our mental prowess and that if these thoughts are concentrated at one single point, it will give us miraculous mental strength.

By advancing mental concentration, great scientists, Yogis, philosophers, etc. enter the deep ocean called the mind and thus collect priceless jewels.  T

hose who just float on the surface of the sea, attain nothing but those who dive deep into it, attain priceless materials. Superficial thinking is like a wayward blade of grass moving aimlessly here and there.  On the other hand, focusing one’s thought waves at a single point in the psyche via meditation gives miraculous results.